Monday, March 15, 2010

Drowning in pillows

Whether sprawled sideways across the mattress or starfished in the middle of the bed, we all have our preferred position for a peaceful slumber, no?  Well I am a tummy sleeper. I have been my whole life.  Before I became pregnant, I have slept in the exact same position every night: on my belly, facing the right, legs crossed and with my hands tucked up under my pillow. You can see where this is heading right?

I worried immediately when I found out I was pregnant about my preferred sleep position, and then the inclination to actually SLEEP won over and I just kept doing it.  I tried hard to change, with pillows between my legs, switching sides of the bed, and propping myself up/back/down. But, no dice.  Sleep is precious these days, and for whatever reason I always ended up back on my stomach. Or my back. And my back just makes it hard to breath. Which = scary. 

So right around my 21st week, this belly really began to take on a life of it’s own...  And then, our little man started kicking. And for whatever reason those kicks did it for me. They were enough to encourage me to sort out this stomach slumber.  I felt guilty. A guilt that was almost akin to hearing the baby actually say to me every time I neared stomach slumber position... “hey mom, enough with the belly sleep, you’re really sort of cramping my style/space in here”. 

So we got the damn body pillow.

Well... Peter actually got one for me. One night a few weeks ago, I picked Peter up after work from in front of the Eaton Centre. I could barely see him standing on the street corner with this pillow in his hands. The pillow is bigger than him. For Real.  A flood of emotion came over me when I saw the pillow. Gratitude (because I have such a sweet and thoughtful husband), annoyance (because I didn’t want to change the way I slept), regret (because I felt I should of changed the way I slept a while ago), and curiosity, (how could a thing this huge fit in our bed and be comfortable)?

So we’re on like week 3 or maybe 4 of the body pillow trial. I still really haven’t managed the art or secret of sleeping with one of these things.  They’re sort of ridiculous. So therefore, I have yet to forfeit my other individual pillows which I keep either in bed with me, or near our bed just in case... One for my back, one for my head, one for between my legs, and one to hug just for good measure.  So count those up... Yup, together with my body pillow I have access to or sometimes use... FIVE pillows. And one is the size of, or bigger than, my husband!  If hormones don’t ruin your libido when you're pregnant, a bed full of pillows just might.

 As I grow by the day... at some point in the near future I, with my 5 pillows, AND Peter are NOT going to fit into our bed. We’re drowning in pillows.

And all this has nothing to do with me wanting a King size bed and Peter being adamantly against it.  But, ironically,  it might just be the only answer.  A pregnant wife that sleeps, is a happy one to keep. Just sayin’.

1 comment:

  1. i love you beautiful. and though i don't love king sized beds, if we get a house that fits one....count me in. xo
